India’s popular culinary reality show MasterChef India Season 8 has finally found its cooking champion, and Mohammed Aashiq become the winner. The winner was premiered on Friday, December 8, on Sony Liv. To claim the title, Aashiq beat Suraj Thapa, Rukhsaar Sayeed, and Nambie Jessica Marak in the race. Mohammed Aashiq Biography, Age, Height and Girlfriend
Who’s Mohammed Aashiq?
Mohammed hails from the coastal region of Mangalore, Karnataka. Before gracing the MasterChef India kitchen, Aashiq ran his juice shop named Kulukki Hub in his hometown. Mohammed is the sole breadwinner of the family and his love for the art of cooking, crafting unique recipes that delighted his patrons.
When Mohammed Aashiq lost MasterChef India Season 7
Before claiming the title of MasterChef India, he faced failure on the same platform. Aashiq participated in the seventh season of MasterChef India, but he couldn’t clear the audition round. In MasterChef India 8, he got through the show with his special dish from Season 7, Fish Fry Mangalorean style.
Mohammed Aashiq on his MasterChef journey
Shedding light on his remarkable journey, Mohammed Aashiq expressed, “I am immensely grateful for the whirlwind journey I’ve had on MasterChef India. From facing elimination to holding the trophy, every moment was a profound lesson. This experience has completely reshaped my life, and winning this esteemed title feels surreal. Coming back with stronger determination after narrowly missing out last season was tough, but I devoted myself entirely to the culinary craft. This victory isn’t just mine; it’s for every dreamer who defies the odds to chase their aspirations.”
Mohammed Aashiq on judges Vikas Khanna, Ranveer Brar, Pooja Dhingra
Mohammed Aashiq praised the judges and said, “I owe immense gratitude to the judges- Chef Vikas, Ranveer, and Pooja, fellow contestants, the audience, and all the renowned chefs who pushed me to perform better with each passing day in the kitchen. I’ve grown significantly and noticed a remarkable shift in my cooking skills, all thanks to an incredible boot camp experience.” MasterChef India streaming on Sony Liv.
Mohammed Aashiq Biography Mohammed Aashiq Biography in hindi Mohammed Aashiq girlfriend fastnews MasterChef Mohammed Aashiq Biography MasterChef India Champion Mohammed Aashiq Biography Mohammed Aashiq Biography in hindi Mohammed Aashiq girlfriend fastnews MasterChef Mohammed Aashiq Biography MasterChef India Champion Mohammed