Describe your experience when you changed your school/college or Describe 

When you moved-?

Where you moved-?

Why you moved-?

And how you felt about it-?

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Introduction: 1


Moving to a new place is always a daunting task. However, when we move to a new home, it is always a mixed feeling.

Recently I shifted to my new abode.

When did you move?

Last year, we bought a new house. Since it was ready to move property, we immediately shifted to the new accommodation.

Where did you move to?

From the countryside, we moved to the heart of the city.

Why did you move?

We moved because of two reasons. The first reason was distance. Earlier we were staying in the countryside. Although our old accommodation was not that far from the city, in rush hours it used to take me two hours to reach college.

The other prominent reason was that we got a good bargain. Due to the corona pandemic, there was a sudden decline in the prices of real estate.

My family had taken it as an opportunity, and we purchased our dream home at a reasonable price.

And how you felt about it?

On the one hand, I was jubilant because, after a long wait, I got my dream home in the heart of the city. My life was about to become comfortable because my new home was at a very close distance from my college.

On the other hand, I was upset because I had to part ways with my old friends who used to stay in my neighbourhood. I had spent my whole childhood under their company.


Finally, when I shifted to my new house, I had a sigh of relief. Although I love my new abode, I still miss my old home.


Introduction: 2


There is no denying that change is the only thing that is permanent in this world. Being humans, we have this uncanny knack for trying to resist change. However hard we try, it makes inroads in our lives.

When did you move?

I had such a situation in my 6th standard, where I had to change my school.

Where did you move to?

From the countryside, we had moved to the heart of the city. Due to that, I changed school.

Why did you move?

The reason for this change was the transfer of my father. He used to work with a bank, dut to his immense contribution towards the bank’s growth, he got promoted to the rank of bank manager.

And he was given the charge of a new branch opening up in the city,

And how you felt about it?

When my father had told me about this, I went into a state of depression. The main reason for the sadness was my friend circle, I had too many friends in the school, and I used to share good camaraderie with them.

However, I didn’t have any option but to leave the school. When I had joined my new school, I remained upset for one week. However, after some days, I had started liking my new school, and I made new friends. 

I had started enjoying my stint because I managed to expand my social circle. On the one hand, I was in touch with my old school friends through social media and on the other hand, I made new friends in my new school.

Moreover, the infrastructure and the facilities in the new school were better than the old school.




Introduction: 3

Well, these days, it is quite common to see people moving from one pace to the other for different reasons.

When you moved?
I, too, had experienced the same thing when I was in 8th grade. 

Why you moved?
Actually, earlier we used to live in a village in a joint family with my grandparents and uncles and aunts. 

The Experience of being together was amazing, and the peaceful life of a village away from the hustle and bustle of cities cannot be explained in words. 

Where you moved?
However, my family decided to move to the city for my higher studies and a better future. It was not easy for all A of us to leave our ancestor’s house to live separately in a city where nobody knew us. 

We were finding it hard to adapt to the new place. Luckily, our neighbor Mr.Singh was really a friendly and C Al kind-hearted person. He helped us in every possible way to make us feel at ease. 

Surprisingly, his son Karan was my age mate, and I got admission in the same school where he was studying; and Just because of Karan, I could easily adjust at school and made many friends. In fact, on weekends, Mr. Singh, along with his family, used to take us for city tours. 

How you felt about it? and Conclusion: 
Although we initially missed our family and village house a lot slowly and steadily, we got used to city life, especially visiting shopping malls, cafes, parks, playing in grounds, studying in libraries, and others. 



Introduction: 4


and When you moved?

  • 5 years ago, my grandparents moved in with us from the village.

Why you moved?

  • Their health was deteriorating because of old age, and they were feeling very lonely in the village. My father found it very difficult to take care of them and focus on his work at the same time.
  • So, he requested grandpa and grandma to come live with us.
  • At first, they were reluctant.
  • However, after some cajoling by my sister and me, they finally agreed.

Where you moved?

  • We had been so focused on convincing them to shift in with us that we had forgotten one thing.
  • We had a small two-bedroom house at that time, and it was insufficient for the six of us to live in the house.
  • We adjusted for a while, but ultimately my dad decided to rent a four-bedroom house about 5 kilometres from our old house.
  • Our last house was rental as well and despite the difference in size, there wasn’t much difference in the rent between the two houses.
  • Maybe it was because the house we shifted to was quite old.
  • I had mixed feelings about the whole experience.
  • On the one hand, I was very happy that I would be getting my own room.
  • On the other hand, the house we shifted to wasn’t as comfortable as the old one.
  • There was no air-conditioning in my room. So, it got very hot during the day, and I was barely able to stay in the room during the day.
  • But, at night, as the temperature came down, I was able to sleep in the room.
  • Moreover, I missed my old neighbours and friends.
  • There were many children of my age in my previous neighbourhood.
  • In the new community, there was hardly anyone my age.
  • It got very boring.
  • My parents were afraid of sending me too far to my old neighbourhood to play.
  • But, on a positive note, this meant that I spent more time with my grandparents, which improved my bond with them.
  • I still reminisce about that old house sometimes, but I don’t regret moving to the new house.

How you felt about it? and Conclusion:

  • Actually, I am very happy that my parents made that sacrifice for taking better care of my grandparents.


Introduction: 5


Like many other children I too had to change my school when I was young. Today, I’m going to share one such time with you.
My father was an officer in the Indian army. His job involved frequent transfers from one place to another. I was in 7th class and my dad was posted in Dehradun. At that time I was studying in Army Public School, Dehradun. One day he received his transfer order for a city called Jodhpur. It’s a historical city in Rajasthan state of North India.

The children of the majority of army men in India attend central schools which are either run by the army or central government. Whenever government employees are ordered to relocate, their kids move to these schools. The process of changing school for children is normally simple and straightforward. Once you reach a new place, the kids can start their school immediately. For me that was around April in the year 1999.

This was a newly established school. Most of the facilities like swimming pool and playgrounds were still under construction at the time of my arrival. I did take some time to fit into the new environment, but soon enough I felt like I really belonged there. I made some great friends and had a great time overall.



Introduction: 6


Moving from one place to another was very normal for me because my father was in defence so we usually get transferred to a new place within 1-2 years. So I changed schools 6-7 times. The tough part was not being able to make friends. By the time you know the person, it’s already time for me to shift to the next place.

Where did You Move?

When I was in class 11th I was in Army Public School Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh and my father got transferred so I did my class 12th in Army Public School Patiala, Punjab. The Army Public School Patiala had a great environment, people were friendly, teachers were great and I created a lot of memories.

When did You Move?

I shifted from Army Public School Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh to Army Public School Patiala, Punjab in the year 2017 during the time of Autumn. We got the news that my father had to transfer to Punjab and have to report there in the month of November. So we packed everything up as soon as possible.

What was the Reason You Moved?

We moved because my father got posted in Patiala. So we had to move out along with him, after unpacking the next day I joined the school because at that time the exams were going on so I couldn’t miss it.

The students who study in Army Public School don’t have to worry about the syllabus, as all over India the Army School’s syllabus is almost the same. So I just need to appear for the exam directly since I have already completed my syllabus in my previous school. I did not face any problems getting adapted to the new school course structure.

Explain Your Experience?

Honestly, I don’t like to change schools at all. I made such good friends back in Army Public School Jhansi. I missed my teachers so much in their way of teaching. I was kind of getting used to that and the rules and regulations of the schools. When I joined Army Public School Patiala I had a different kind of experience because there is a change in state, culture, language and viewpoints.

The students of Army Public School Patiala were very intelligent and sharp, they were very open-minded and welcomed me warmly and didn’t make me miss my old school much. Army Public School Patiala was my last school and I made many mistakes and learned from them, made lots of good friends, and created a lot of memories.

Ending: All my schoolmates are doing great in life now, some are studying abroad, some are working and some are pursuing their dreams. Every School played an important role in my life and taught me something new.


Introduction: 7


Given below is the second sample answer for the IELTS cue card: describe a time when you moved to a new school or home.

Where did You Move?

I moved to Guwahati, Assam as my father was getting retired, and for my further studies. Guwahati, Assam is our hometown, we are Assamese. But we stayed throughout my dad’s service in the Northern states of India. I was born in Hisar, Haryana, and did my schooling in different states. Assam’s weather, environment and people are different. So it was somewhat hard for them to adjust even though it’s my homeplace.

When did You Move?

I moved to Guwahati, Assam after I received my result of 12th and collected all the related documents. It was in the summer of 2018. Everything was happening very quickly. I thought of going to Mumbai for college but my parents planned something else. So, I was just going with the flow.

What was the Reason You Moved?

I moved to Guwahati, Assam because my father completed his service and wanted me to go to college near our home. They feel it’s more secure for girls to stay close to family because if something happens they can come anytime without delay, and I will be around our culture so it will be much safer and less language barrier. I didn’t argue much on the topic and did what they decided for me.

Explain Your Experience?

It took me a while to adjust to my new home with the joint family I never experienced living with so many people under one roof. I had a language problem, I wasn’t fluent in Assamese so it was a little hard for me to communicate with my relatives. The weather was very humid so I had a skin problem in the first couple of months but gradually I got used to everything.

The people were good. I could feel that I was getting close to my cultural roots and should learn more about my amazing tradition. The feeling of home was finally completed. As we shifted from one Army quarters to another so everything around was temporary, but when I reached Assam the temporary feeling was gone.

Ending: I learned a lot about my culture and tradition from my grandparents at home which I think wouldn’t have been possible if I stayed out of the state. I became more fluent in my language. So, now I can finally say I am a proper Assamese.


Introduction: 8


Almost everyone experiences of going to a new school, at least once or twice in their lifetime, whether they like it or not. Moving to a new school is a big change for every child as starting all over again at a new school can be scary but at the same time, exciting and challenging to many. So today I would share my experience when I started attending a new school even though I did not like it initially.

I started my first elementary schooling when I was four years old at an English medium school in Dubai. I studied there for five years. After that, I had to move to a new school when I was just 9 years old in 1995 because of my father’s profession. To be exact, my family had to return to our home country due to the fact that my father’s work permit almost expired and he had been offered a better job position at a leading medical college and hospital in our homeland. So, within a few weeks, we moved to (… say the city name…), the capital city of the country and I admitted to a new school as a fourth-grader. 

At that time I was nine years old. Though my new school was an English medium school and the teachers were very friendly, I still felt startled and horrified because I was having a hard time adapting with the changes. I had to endure plenty of changes, process a lot of cultural differences and not to mention, the language barriers. However, I tried to focus on the positive aspects of moving to a new school. When I started my classes, I found out that my classmates were rather nice and helpful. I was excited to make new friends and my new school has a great sports team and an amazing drama programme. Slowly, I started to like my new school and the changes I experienced. I thought I was completely lost and depressed on the first day but with the help of my new friends and teachers, I stood confident and felt more comfortable in my new surroundings in my school.



Introduction: 9


  • Over the period of my school days, I have changed schools three times. Sometimes the shifting was because of my father’s transfer, the other time because of my education.
  • Here I would like to talk about a time when my father got transfer back to Phagwara from Amritsar. Then I got admission in 9th class at Swami Sant Dass Public School.
  • I was not really nervous that day because I had almost spent 6 years over there till my 4th class as we lived in Phagwara even during that period.
  • Apart from this, changing schools has always been a piece of cake for me because I do gel up with people.
  • Having changed so many schools, I think they do help in developing the personality of a child. But, then it also takes away the stability that sometimes we need in life.
  • I made many friends there. But the first student, who came to me offering for friendship, was Jyoti. It was only because of her that I was really comfortable in that school.
  • The infrastructure of the school was so good. It is housed in a beautiful palatial building with unique architectural design.
  • There are many labs and a huge library. Speaking in English was mandatory which really helped me in becoming fluent.
  • All the teachers were very knowledgeable and supportive. I learned a lot from there, not only regarding the academic field, but also moral and ethical values.
  • It also helped me in developing my personality. I had spent the best years of my school life over there.



Follow up Questions


1. Why do people move to a new home?

There are numerous reasons why people shift to a new abode. However, the most prominent reason is to get a plum job or obtain a quality education, because in most cases. Another prominent cause is the expansion of the family due to the wedding or the arrival of a new family member. This is due to the reason that they would like to have freedom coupled with privacy because their current accommodation may be small in size to accommodate the expanding family.



2. What problems do people face after moving to a new place? 


 The first problem people face is logistics. When we stay for long at a place, we become aware of every nook and corner of the city, therefore procuring goods like groceries and vegetables etc, is an easy task for us. On the other hand, when we shift to a new place it becomes a daunting task to find suitable vendors for various purposes.

Apart from this, sometimes the climatic conditions could be a troublesome factor for the new inhabitants. For example, a person living in the countryside would find it difficult to live in cities because of pollution.



3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the same place?

To begin with the advantages, the first and foremost is the awareness we have of the area. While living at the same place, we acquire a boatload of information about the climate, cuisine and nature of people. This information helps us to lead our life comfortably. Apart from this, we have a wider social circle.

On the other hand, the prime disadvantage is boredom and monotony. There is no denying this conviction that when we shift to a new place, we gain new experiences in terms of culture, people, climate and cuisine etc. So we miss dynamism in our lives by staying at the same place.



4. Is it good to move to a new place frequently? Why?

As per my opinion, shifting to a new place frequently is an imprudent approach. First of all, it costs a lot financially, because when we migrate we have to incur a lot of expenditure. Secondly, it is a turbulent task to widen the friend circle when you keep on changing your residence frequently.



Describe your experience when you changed your school/college or Describe an experience Describe your experience when you changed your school/college or Describe an experience  Describe your experience when you changed your school/college or Describe an experience  Describe your experience when you changed your school/college or Describe an experience  Describe your experience when you changed your school/college or Describe an experience  Describe your experience when you changed your school/college or Describe an experience  Describe your experience when you changed your school/college or Describe an experience Describe your experience when you changed your school/college


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