Describe a course that impressed you a lot

What the course was about?
Where you took the course?
What you did during the course?
And explain why it impressed you a lot?


Introduction: 1


In the contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become a vital part of people’s lives: due to this reason, individuals must enhance their skillset. Two years back, I took one course to lead my career towards an impressive growth trajectory.

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What the course was about? and Where did you take the course?

The course was on digital marketing. And I took online training from the comfort of my home.

What did you do during the course?

The course consisted of two modules. In the first module, the trainer focussed on teaching the fundamentals of digital marketing. In the first six weeks, I gained immense knowledge of the digital world and learned how traditional marketing would become a thing of the past.

The second module was all about social media marketing. I acquired knowledge of various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Quora, Medium and Meetup etc from that program. Moreover, I did voluntary work for an overseas client of my teacher. 

The on-job training I had, helped me gain valuable inputs on designing social media marketing campaigns.

And explain why it impressed you a lot?

The course impressed me because it led to a paradigm shift in my understanding of digital marketing. After finishing the course, I immediately got a job with an IT company.

Now I have a plum job with a multinational company, and the credit for my opulent lifestyle goes to the training I had in the course. I suggest all the youngsters learn digital marketing to have a fruitful career.

Introduction: 2


Learning new skills is of paramount significance. In the contemporary epoch, technology has made inroads in our lives. Due to this reason, the central focus of the people is on doing courses related to technology.

However, there are a few skills, that are a must-have for every individual and spending life without them is a daunting task. Last year I joined a course that brought a paradigm shift in my life.

What the course was about? Where did you take the course?

The course was on cooking, and I took the course online from the comfort of my home.

What did you do during the course?

In the beginning, the trainer focussed on telling us the basics of cooking. He provided details related to spices, oils, vegetables and grains. After that, he depicted the use of various utensils and appliances in the kitchen.

In the second week, of course, I learned to cook Indian cuisine, and I had cooked various mouth-watering delicacies like Kadai Paneer, Dal Makhani and Butter Nan etc.

In the second week, I learned to cook Chinese cuisine. IGOT the usage of cornflour, vinegar, chilly sauce and soya sauce.

In the last week, I learned baking. I gained knowledge of bakery products such as bread, puffs, patties, cakes and brownies.

And explain why it impressed you a lot?

The course impressed me. Because after learning cooking, I have got the freedom to cook my favourite eatables myself. Moreover, I have planned to go overseas for my further studies and knowledge of cooking would help me have the food of my choice.


The knowledge I have gained through this course will help me throughout my life.



Describe a course that impressed you a lot cue card | Jan to Apr 2022 cue  card - YouTube



Introduction: 3



There is no denying this conviction that, in the contemporary epoch, youngsters waste a lot of quality time in doing things like watching youtube videos and posting pictures on social media. It is prudent to use our leisure time to do something worthwhile.

While keeping the needs of the modern era into consideration, recently I joined a course.

What the course was about? Where did you take the course?

The course was on dancing, and due to the corona pandemic, I didn’t have any other option but to take it from the comforts of my home in online mode.

What did you do during the course?

Initially, the choregrapher focussed on the basics of dancing like a warmup, hand-eye coordination, and discussion on various dance forms. After that, I learned the classical dance. As this form of dancing thrives primarily on expressions, it was challenging. However, with time I got a knack for it.

Next, he taught us Bollywood dancing. I gave a stunning performance on the latest songs. I got appreciation from all the participants and the teacher.

In the last week, the focus was on international dance forms. I learnt complex dance forms such as Joomla and Salsa.

And explain why it impressed you a lot?

The course impressed me for two reasons. Firstly I made prudent use of the time available at my disposal. And, learning a new skill has enhanced my confidence and has given a fresh outlook to my personality.

Moreover, dancing has made me a fit person. During the training process, I lost ten kgs weight. Moreover, my flexibility has enhanced a lot.


The dancing course has led to a paradigm shift in my life.



Introduction: 4

Well, to learn new skills people often attend some short-term courses and I too have attended many of these.

What the course was about?
Here I would like to talk about the one which impressed me the most and it was a two weeks Cookery course that I attended last year.

Where you took the course?
Cooking is an essential skill to possess for all, regardless of gender and age, so to be able to cook food I decided to join this course at an institute in my city. I got impressed by the leaflet I found in the newspaper which stated, become an expert cook in 10 days. Since, I wanted to try my luck in cooking so without thinking much I joined. There were around 10 others in the group and we all were age mates, so I started to enjoy it from day one.

What you did during the course?
The trainer got us familiar with some of the most common ingredients and taught us the basics. The course was well planned and structured that we learnt cooking Indian curries, snacks, desserts and some international food items. We also learnt some kitchen hacks and some instant recipes to prepare food in no time.

And explain why it impressed you a lot?
I was really impressed the way our trainer taught us and his friendly behaviour because of which we could enjoy the lessons.

Today, I can prepare food for myself and my family especially when my mother is not well. In addition, I am planning to move abroad for my higher study and this skill is going to benefit in long run and the credit goes to the short course I joined and I would definitely recommend others to join this interesting course.



Introduction: 5

In the recent past, there is one course that is very unique and which has genuinely impressed me a lot. The name of the course is “The science of well-being”.

What the course was about?
This course is about happiness and ways to be happy. It also teaches about offering gratitude and being generous. The course also offers a different kinds of meditations and practical activities.

Where you took the course?
I took this course through an online application. The name of the application is Coursera. It is a very popular application and it offers many useful courses on its online platform. This course had prerecorded videos and student-friendly reading material and assignments. It is offered by Yale University every year and it has many experienced instructors who teach this course.

What you did during the course?
I had amazing and enriching experiences while doing this course. The duration of the course was ten weeks and I indulged in different activities during this time. I started a gratitude journal, did acts of kindness to strangers, made lots of social connections and practised meditation. I also heard a lot of videos and read articles on happiness as well. This course impressed me a lot because of many reasons. I did so many novel things which I had never done before while I studied this course.

And explain why it impressed you a lot?
I realized that the ultimate purpose of a human being’s life is to live a meaningful and good life. Another reason why I was impressed was that almost 3 million people across the world had enrolled for this course during the pandemic.

Finally, this course changed a lot within me and I was really a happier human being after doing this course. I would recommend this course to all my friends.



Introduction: 6


  • I took a photography course last month which really impressed me a lot.
  • I have always been interested in photography and I like taking pictures with my smartphone and camera.
  • My brother got me a digital DSLR camera on my birthday this year.
  • I have used a point-and-shoot camera before but never used a DSLR camera.
  • It had so many features and a big lens and at first, it looked very daunting.
  • I started to take pictures in auto mode but was not able to understand the manual settings.

What the course was about?

  • My brother advised me to take a digital photography course to get started.
  • Ever since the pandemic, the number of online courses has increased globally.

Where you took the course?

  • I was able to find many online courses related to digital photography on websites like Skillshare and Udemy
  • I bought the Photography Masterclass course on Udemy. It had a lot of good reviews and was recommended by many students.
  • This course had over 25 hours of videos and everything was explained thoroughly with a lot of visual and written examples.
  • All the instructors were very knowledgeable and started from the very basics.

What you did during the course?

  • I learnt about aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, lens and camera workings, F-stop, ISO, etc.
  • I also learnt to take photographs in different scenarios like landscapes, family portraits, wildlife.
  • It helped me understand the importance of lighting in photography and when to use flash vs natural lighting.
  • In all, it was very comprehensive, easy to follow along with, and made learning very fun.
  • It had activities at the end of every lesson, and I had to put what I had learned into practice.
  • It gave me the confidence to take my camera off auto mode and use manual settings.

And explain why it impressed you a lot?

  • I was very impressed with the kind of pictures I was taking by the end of this course.
  • I was also able to edit pictures using the techniques I learnt in this course.
  • Even the photographs I took with my smartphone were better than before.


  • It truly helped me be a better photographer and I will recommend it to anyone who wants to learn photography.



Introduction: 7


In last summer I was free for two months.
my father told me that there is an NGO which is going to organise a free physiotherapy camp for one month. 

And they were also offering admission to a physiotherapy certificate course for one month.

I have a lot of interest in health and fitness. So I decided to join this course.

During the course, I learned about different muscles and bones in the human body.

I came to know very interesting and amazing things about the working of the human body.

In practical sessions, I learned different exercises and yoga poses to reduce the stiffness and pain from the body.

They also taught us about different acupressure points present in hand, by pressing which we can get rid of many diseases.

In the last three days of the course, I assisted many patients who were suffering from different pain issues.

It was a very nice experience to explore my health knowledge.

After finishing the course, I came back home and I told to my grandmother to do an exercise because she had back pain.

Within three days, almost 90% of her back pain disappeared.

I was very impressed to see the magic of physiotherapy.

Now I always advise people to exercise because it hales us without medicines




Follow up Questions


1. Why do some people have a better memory?

The human brain works on a complicated system, and it is challenging to decipher why a few individuals possess better memory than others. The one possible reason can be genetics, as some people are born with the talent of better memory. 

However, I firmly believe that individuals can become better at memorising with the help of training. Numerous techniques are available these days to make people good at memory.



2. Which can help people remember things better, words or photos?

There is no denying this conviction that we remember photos easily as compared to words. That’s why it is rightly said that “a picture speaks a thousand words”.

Moreover, the internal mechanism of our brain comprehends photos easily as compared to words.



3. Can technology help people remember things better? How?

Technology helps us to remember things through various applications and software. We need not remember occasions like birthdays and wedding anniversaries, the smartphones do this for us.

Hence no doubt technology is empowering us to become good at remembering things by giving as a reminder. But, it is putting a detrimental effect on our brainpower, we are declining the usage of our mental power to remember.



Describe a course that impressed you a lot Describe a course that impressed you a lot Describe a course that impressed you a lot Describe a course that impressed you a lot Describe a course that impressed you a lot Describe a course that impressed you a lot Describe a course that impressed you a lot Describe a course that impressed you a lot



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