The Prophet Muhammad, is the founder of Islam, one of the world’s major religions. Born in 570 CE in Mecca (modern-day Saudi Arabia), Muhammad belonged to the Quraysh tribe, which was a respected and influential tribe in Mecca. His early life was marked by hardship; he was orphaned at a young age and raised by his grandfather and later by his uncle, Abu Talib.

Worked as a merchant and was known for his honesty and trustworthiness, earning him the nickname “Al-Amin” (the trustworthy). At the age of 25, he married Khadijah, a wealthy widow who was 15 years his senior. This marriage provided him with financial stability and allowed him to contemplate spiritual matters.


Muhammad Biography, Age, Height, and Awards

At the age of 40,

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Began receiving revelations from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel. These revelations continued for 23 years and were later compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Muhammad’s message emphasized monotheism, social justice, and moral conduct. Initially, he faced persecution in Mecca, but after migrating to Medina in 622 CE (an event known as the Hijra), he gained a substantial following and established an Islamic state.


Passed away in 632 CE in Medina at the age of 62 or 63. His life and teachings continue to be a source of guidance for over a billion Muslims worldwide.



Born in 570 CE and died in 632 CE, making him approximately 62 or 63 years old at the time of his death. The exact date of his birth is not precisely recorded, but it is generally accepted to be in the Year of the Elephant, which corresponds to 570 CE.



There are no contemporary descriptions or measurements of Muhammad’s height. Historical accounts from Islamic tradition describe him as being of average height, with a commanding presence and an impressive demeanor. Physical descriptions often focus more on his character and moral qualities rather than specific physical attributes.


Awards and Honors

As a religious figure, did not receive awards in the modern sense, but he holds a place of unparalleled reverence and respect in the Muslim world. Some key honors and recognitions include:

  1. Prophethood: Muslims believe is the final prophet sent by Allah to guide humanity. His prophethood is considered the highest honor bestowed upon any human.

  2. Titles: He is often referred to by titles such as “The Messenger of Allah” (Rasul Allah) and “The Seal of the Prophets” (Khatam an-Nabiyyin), signifying his status as the last prophet in a long line of prophets in Islamic belief.

  3. Maqam al-Mahmud (The Praised Station): According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad will be granted a special intercessory role on the Day of Judgment, known as the Praised Station, which is a unique honor given by Allah.

  4. Global Influence: Muhammad’s influence extends beyond religious contexts into social, cultural, and political spheres. He is often listed among the most influential figures in history for his role in founding and spreading Islam.

  5. Cultural and Historical Legacy: Numerous mosques, educational institutions, and cities around the world are named in his honor, reflecting his enduring impact on Islamic civilization and global history.


In summary,

Life and legacy are deeply ingrained in the fabric of Islamic tradition and world history. His contributions as a religious leader, moral guide, and social reformer have left an indelible mark that continues to inspire and influence millions of people across the globe.


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